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High spreadability of butter foam


Butter foams are of great interest in the food industry as they greatly improve the spreadability of
butter coming directly from the refrigerator. Such a convenience product is desired by customers,
but without sacrificing the naturalness of the product. Therefore there is a need for developing a
foaming process without the usage of emulsifiers or stabilizers for fat foams. The main challenge

here is that stabilizing crystals are highly temperature sensitive and are being destroyed by conven-
tional aeration systems due to their high energy input. The industry struggles as a consequence of

high volume production to reduce the shear stresses and therefore adding emulsifiers to the foam.
Producers of such fat foam products as in the dairy industry are searching for ways to reduce shear

stresses and to naturally gain a stable fat crystal structure with the purpose of stabilizing the bub-
ble size. Kinematica provides with the MT-MM the technology and a proven solution

for these kind of issues. Large companies in the dairy industry are already using our product and
are convinced of the technology.

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